6 Health Benefits of Cannabis

Cannabis has fast become mainstream. States are legalizing, and even the federal government is too. You will soon find a cannabis store in every state, every city, and every county. This news is particularly good for those using weed for health reasons. Its therapeutic benefits are accepted science now. Even if used recreationally, you will still benefit from weed and its many useful effects. 

Beneficial Effects of Weed

Scientists everywhere are discovering new uses for cannabis. Medicinally, this plant is rich in cannabinoids, each with its own unique effects. Researchers are learning even more, about how terpenes and flavonoids have used too. You can use it to treat most diseases and their symptoms. Certainly, just using it, for whatever reason, will benefit you. Here, we discuss just six of them: 

  1. Inflammation and Pain

Most diseases today stem from inflammation. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it causes arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and other gastrointestinal problems. However, studies are proving promising. Some show cannabis effectively targets inflammation and reduces its levels in the body. It also relieves pain, associated and not. 

More study is necessary. While support for this evidence is strong, anecdotal evidence and obvious health improvements remain the primary focus of medical texts. The study is ongoing and urgent. However, because cannabis is still federally illegal, a study has been difficult in the past. Red tape made it impossible for scientists to study the plant freely. New laws are making it accessible. 

  1. Anxiety and Depression

More people are anxious these days than not. It seems everyone is suffering in some way or another. Anxiety is a real issue underlying society. It is a leading cause of depression, and it wreaks havoc on one’s physical and mental health. It prevents sleep, increases stress, and leads to dire unhappiness. Treating it is difficult. Anxiolytics and antidepressants have addictive side effects. 

According to the University of Washington’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, cannabis offers a more effective treatment. In small doses, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, lowers anxiety. Cannabidiol, or CBD, works at any dose and is especially beneficial for relieving social anxiety. Most importantly, cannabis is not addictive. It has none of the scary side effects of these popular drugs. 

  1. Lung Problems

The air is toxic. Tobacco smoke is toxic. Many people have respiratory issues and struggle to breathe. Cannabis improves lung capacity, as the U.S. National Library of Medicine explains. What is more, cannabis smoke heals lungs harmed by other smoke. It is expectorant. It has bronchodilation properties. It clears mucus and phlegm, and it treats the underlying inflammatory issue. 

Further, cannabis smoke itself is harmless. Studies prove inhalation has no adverse effects on the respiratory system. In fact, evidence suggests that it improves lung health overall in all who try it. At least in normal doses. It heals the lungs, opens passageways, and makes breathing easier. Most notably, it is effective at restoring breathing in even the very worst of asthma sufferers. 

  1. Cancers

More and more studies are proving the anti-cancer properties of cannabis. CBD is a potent cancer killer, slowing its spread in the body and preventing its growth ultimately. As the National Cancer Institute says, it stops metastasis and kills cancer cells in laboratory tests. It suppresses Id-1 expression, the gene responsible for cancer growth. It shrinks tumours too. 

What is more, weed makes cancer treatments easier to manage. It helps to mitigate any side effects, boosts appetite, improves mood, betters sleep, and in so doing increases the odds of survival. It treats the disease itself, its symptoms, and even the effects of conventional treatment. Studies show cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids are all rich in anticancer compounds. 

  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Most people are walking around with some type of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. Common among veterans of war and survivors of trauma, it can cause immense stress, panic, and paranoia. Victims of crime, accident or other types of traumas often suffer intense fear and anxiety. It destroys lives, affects jobs and relationships, and makes normal living very difficult. 

Fortunately, cannabis can help. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it contains several cannabinoids with powerful calming effects. Some strains are sedating, others outright tranquillizing. Most are just relaxing. For many, weed is enough to focus their minds on something other than their panic. This distraction makes it possible to overcome an episode. 

  1. Diabetes

According to a horde of evidence, cannabis users are slimmer than non-users. Obesity is a leading cause of diabetes and a horde of other inflammatory, cardiovascular, and diseases. Because weed users are generally thinner, they are often healthier and free of related issues and risks. Many studies support this claim, and all show lower rates of diabetes among users than in refusers. 

Published by the American Journal of Medicine, one particular study showed cannabis lovers with less insulin than those who do not use it. Insulin levels were lower in users, making this a significant finding. With diabetes afflicting millions of people in the United States alone each year, cannabis can make an enormous difference when it comes to treating it.

Best Recreational Cannabis Dispensary in Los Angeles

For the best dispensary in L.A., look no further. Because studies prove cannabis is so beneficial to human health, there is just no reason to abstain. It is revolutionizing the medical industry. Even a recreational cannabis dispensary will benefit public health. For weed delivery in L.A., we provide premium-grade bud to your doorstep. Let good health come to you. 


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