
Showing posts from January, 2023

Understanding Cottonmouth And How To Treat It

Cottonmouth is a very common side effect of smoking weed. As people order cannabis online , they quickly learn of dry mouth, that dreaded feeling of a mouth drier than the desert. Every weed user is familiar with the sensation, and it is why most carry water, gum, or anything really, so long it gets one salivating again. Cottonmouth is nothing to fear, but can one stave it off? Avoid it altogether?  Just What is Cottonmouth? Cottonmouth, or dry mouth, more formally xerostomia, refers to the throat drying so typical after cannabis use. Xerostomia effectively slows saliva production. Stops it even. This leaves you with little to no natural lubricant. In severe cases, swallowing and talking becomes difficult. While xerostomia is common with weed use, it also happens as we age, consume certain medications, or dehydrate.  As such, xerostomia is a symptom. A sensation. It is not a medical condition. What it is, though, is very temporary. Some people with bad xerostomia might cough a...